Thursday, November 14, 2013

Home owners prefer mixed-use, walkable communities

If you are like me and love living in a Historical Community such as +Avondale +Riverside +SanMarco +Springfield or +Ortega, you have to love the ability to walk around the neighborhood. We can walk from Avondale into Riverside without much issue, the sidewalks and streets are on the grid system and it works well for young and old people.

So it was no surprise when we saw this article from the Florida Association of Realtors:

According to National Association of Realtors® (NAR)'s 2013 Community Preference Survey, 60 percent of respondents favor a neighborhood with a mix of houses, stores and other businesses within walking distance, rather than neighborhoods that require more driving.

And while the size of a property matters, buyers are willing to compromise size for a preferred neighborhood and less commuting. For example, although 52 percent of those surveyed prefer a single-family detached house with a large yard, 78 percent said that the neighborhood is more important than the size of the house.

Fifty-seven percent would forego a home with a larger yard if it meant a shorter commute to work, and 55 percent were willing to forego a home with larger yard if it meant they could live within walking distance of schools, stores and restaurants.

“Although there is no one-size-fits-all approach, smart growth is typically characterized by mixed-use development, higher densities and pedestrian friendly streets that accommodate a wide diversity of transportation modes,” says NAR President Gary Thomas.

When asked to identify their ideal community, the most popular choice was a suburban neighborhood with a mix of houses, shops and businesses. The least popular was a suburban neighborhood with just houses.

When considering transportation concerns, 41 percent of those surveyed said better public transportation is the top solution; 29 percent prefer communities where people don’t have to drive long distances to work or shop; and 20 percent would prefer to build new roads.


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