Friday, September 6, 2013

Metro Markets values rising!

Home prices have rebounded so rapidly that RealtyTrac is reporting 8.3 million borrowers who had been underwater are on track to have enough equity to sell their home within the next 15 months-without resorting to a short sale.

Metro markets that boast the highest percentage of homes with resurfacing equity include Omaha, Nebraska; Colorado Springs, Colorado; Tulsa, Oklahoma; Little Rock, Arkansas; and Raleigh, North Carolina.

In a study released Thursday, RealtyTrac also revealed that nationwide, more than 126,000 properties in the foreclosure process are actually in good equity standing-meaning they have a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio of 100 percent or lower. That figure represents 24 percent of all homes currently in foreclosure.
States with the highest percentage of positive-equity foreclosures include Oklahoma and Hawaii-both with more than half of their foreclosures above-water (57 percent and 53 percent, respectively), followed by New York (47 percent) and Texas (46 percent).

Not in Florida yet, but the trend is that the Real Estate market is improving. We are seeing Riverside / Avondale return to close to the values just before the recession. Per square foot values are already north of $160 per sq ft and rising depending on the amenities of each house. Call me today to learn what your house is worth in this market!


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