I help the newer Realtors in our Avondale office, in fact I help the established Realtors as they help me. While a mentor is someone, to me, who helps a less experienced person to gain experience, I see myself in uncommon surroundings. Do you see yourself as helping newbies as well as experienced people?
I think this is called Karma, giving back to eventually receive. You never know when the good you put out in helping people will come back to you. I think this is more than just hope, it is good clean energy that is helping someone take the nugget or nuggets of information and build something from a solid foundation. People remember those who pull them aside and help.
Being genuine in your quest to help others is a key trait. Most people can spot liars and thieves, as they are always self-centered and about themselves. In the end, it comes down to people seeing through others. In the long run people with good hearts and honest people, they really do thrive, as the cheaters, dream stealers, thieves, they end up alone, cold and never to be heard from again.
Children who grow up without a mentor can still learn with a mentor at a stage later in life. We human beings are always learning. So when I see someone new to the Real Estate Profession, I embrace them for starting a new life and I welcome them into the profession. I would much rather see professionals who know and understand what this job takes to do it right, than to have inexperienced people who become the 20% that people remember for a bad experience, when 80% are a credit to their profession.
If you are thinking of getting into Real Estate, please let me know, I would be happy to sponsor you and mentor you.
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